src.ansys.pre_commit_hooks.tech_review.check_auth_maint ======================================================= .. py:function:: src.ansys.pre_commit_hooks.tech_review.check_auth_maint(project_value: str, arg_value: str, err_string: str, is_compliant: bool) Check if the author and maintainer names and emails are the same. :Parameters: **project_value: str** The author or maintainer's name or email retrieved from the pyproject.toml file. **arg_value: str** The author or maintainer's name or email retrieved from the argument passed into the hook. **err_str: str** The message that is printed when an author or maintainer's name or email is incorrect. **is_compliant: bool** ``True`` if the repository is compliant. ``False`` if the repository is not compliant. :Returns: :ref:`bool ` ``True`` if the author and maintainer's name and email are correct. ``False`` if the author or maintainer's name or email is incorrect. .. !! processed by numpydoc !!