Frequently asked questions#

How do you specify additional directories and files to run the hook on?

To specify additional files and/or directories the hook should run on, add the necessary regex to the files line in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

- repo:
  rev: v0.5.2
  - id: add-license-headers
    files: '(src|examples|tests|doc)/.*\.(py|rst)|\.(proto|cpp)'

This would run the hook on Python and ReStructuredText (RST) files in the src, examples, tests, and doc directories, as well as PROTO and CPP files in any directory.


The default regex for the files field is '(src|examples|tests)/.*\.(py)|\.(proto)'. Add onto this regex to specify additional files and directories to ensure that the hook runs on Python files in the src, examples, and tests directories, as well as PROTO files in any directory at the minimum.

How do you ignore specific files or file types?

To ignore specific files or file types, add the exclude argument to the hook in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

- repo:
  rev: v0.5.2
  - id: add-license-headers
    exclude: |
            path/to/ |
            path/to/.*\.(ts|cpp) |
            (.folder1|folder2)/.* |
            .*\.js |
            \..* |
  • path/to/ excludes the stated file.

  • path/to/.*\.(ts|cpp) excludes all TS and CPP files within the path/to directory.

  • (.folder1|folder2)/.* excludes directories named .folder1 and folder2.

  • .*\.js excludes all JS files in all directories.

  • \..* excludes all hidden files.

How do you change the copyright phrase from “ANSYS, Inc. and/or its affiliates.”?

To change the copyright phrase in the copyright line, add the --custom_copyright argument to the hook in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

- repo:
  rev: v0.5.2
  - id: add-license-headers
    - --custom_copyright="custom copyright phrase"

This would change the copyright line to Copyright (C) 2025 custom copyright phrase.

How do you ignore checking for licensing information in the files?

To ignore checking for the MIT license in the files, add the --ignore_license_check argument to the hook in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

- repo:
  rev: v0.5.2
  - id: add-license-headers
    - --ignore_license_check
How do you use a custom template?

To use a custom template, create the .reuse/templates/ directory in the root of your repository and add the Jinja template to that directory. The custom template cannot be named ansys.jinja2. Otherwise, it would be removed after the hook is done running.

├── .reuse
│   └── templates
│       └── template_name.jinja2
├── src
├── examples
├── tests
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── pyproject.toml

Add the --custom_template argument to the hook in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

- repo:
  rev: v0.5.2
  - id: add-license-headers
    - --custom_template=template_name
How do you use a custom license?

To use a custom license, create the LICENSES directory in the root of your repository and add the license to that directory. The custom license cannot be named MIT.txt. Otherwise, it would be removed after the hook is done running.

│   └── license_name.txt
├── src
├── examples
├── tests
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── pyproject.toml

To use a custom license, add the --custom_license argument to the hook in your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

- repo:
  rev: v0.5.2
  - id: add-license-headers
    - --custom_license=license_name

Licenses supported by REUSE can be found in the spdx/license-list-data repository. Select a license text file from that repository and copy it to the LICENSES directory.

What should the start year be if my repository was created before the current year?

If you are adding license headers to repositories that were started prior to the current year, add the --start_year argument with the year that your first file was committed. For example, if start_year is 2023 and the current year is 2025, the copyright statement would be:

Copyright (C) 2023 - 2025 ANSYS, Inc. and/or its affiliates.